Friday, July 30, 2010

Melbourne's boundaries experience a growth spurt

Melbourne's boundaries experience a growth spurt


Anonymous said...

I have wounder what the members of the 2020 group gain from the development they propose, do any of them live directly in Coldstream or are they out on land that are zoned as small farmlets. How would they like houses placed 6Ft on every side of the property they live on.

Unknown said...

All we are doing is trying to get a community response. What does the community want for Coldstream by the year 2020?

All comments are welcome.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like it is Mario that wants the bigger community for his business. People will still go to Bunnings etc, as they offer a lot more and for cheaper. I say keep Coldstream as it is.

Anonymous said...

Where are the names of the people who are on the committee? and who have formed this 2020 group?

Unknown said...

The names of this committee are printed on all sheets given out.
They are Mario Galteri (Part owner Coldstream Timber)

Brett Spurling (Gateway Hydrophonics)

Peter Wall (Coldstream Resident)

Barry Kenney (post master has been included as well)

This group has been set up to get PUBLIC opinion. If the public overwhelmingly say "NO WAY" we will not go to the next step.

I now understand why Rosie hates anonymous comments. It would be great for you to add your names but all comments will be published (if not offensive).

Unknown said...

It matters little who is in the group.
The important thing is the CONCEPT developed in COLDSTREAM 2020.

Do you agree with the concept or not?

Anonymous said...

Mario, Brett, Peter and Barry,
As a longtime local resident and a Disability Support Worker who works with extremely vulnerable people in Coldstream and the surrounding community, I fully support the expansion and growth of population in the area.

This is a dying town with an ageing population, limited social and support groups and sports clubs that can’t find enough members to make up teams

It may be easy for some just to jump in their car and go to Lilydale or the chemist or Bunnings, but for others who are disabled, elderly, sick or disadvantaged members of the community it can be extremely challenging, if not impossible to do anything in the area as there aren’t many services left here anymore and virtually no access to public transport, especially for those who use wheelchairs.
Even just having a doctor and a chemist close-by again in Coldstream would be life-changing for some.

But we need more people in the area for anything to change. More people will equal more services to the community, a higher quality in the provision of those services, growth in our sporting and community groups, less isolation for the vulnerable and lonely and more opportunities for all.

You have my support. I have filled in your sheet for comment and given it to the Post Office, but am choosing to remain anonymous on the blog due to my right of privacy and my clients’ rights to confidentiality.

Unknown said...

I (we) thank you for your comment and understand your reason to remain anonymous.
I must admit, you have added another, very good reason for our COLDSTREAM 2020 expansion idea.

No one in our group though of that but glad you did and posted it.


Anonymous said...

I am an older member of this Coldstream Community, and have seen the services and businesses close over and over again. I do like our lay back at ease style but I must say I am in favour of growing. I have and do enjoy the friendly service we are lucky enough to receive, but I would certainly like to retain those we have and see more business start up and stay.
Given our present status, we don't appear on council radar, I can't recall improvement in services bar a few stones in the circle, and lights "at last" in over twenty years.
In order to thrive, and to offer our young people the opportunity of work of reliable transport, of being able to continue to be part of this community if they choose, then we need accomadation, services, and that means growth.

Anonymous said...

The people of coldstream can't decide if they arn't given the info.
Where did you send the 500 letters as I haven't got one neither have all the people I've asked in coldstream. Maybe you should ask us before going to the local papers

Unknown said...

It’s hard to contact everyone so the newspapers were used to inform as many as possible.
NOTHING HAS BEEN DECIDED and nothing will for some time yet. There is plenty of time for input and we welcome all input, be it, for or against.

The aim at this stage is to stimulate discussion.

We welcome your input and all the info can be found at



Mario Galteri

Anonymous said...

Well I'm sorry, but I am somewhat of a cynic.
Firstly I too did not receive said letter from the 2020 group.
Secondly, I believe much of the land mooted by the group to be part of the urban growth expansion is owned by Mario and Brett. So you fence sit regarding dual occupancy in Coldstream, yet you push hard when it means your land will be able to be subdivided and hence worth a whole lot more?
Regardless, I have been a resident of Coldstream for some 15 years and have seen many changes. I have seen many businesses come and go and I have watched the numbers at the Coldstream Primary dwindle. As someone else mentioned, we are an ageing community. No longer can we walk to the shops to the bakery or doctor or fruit and veg shop.
Maybe it's time to sell up in Coldstream before it self implodes?

Unknown said...

We were not able to give out our Coldstream 2020 to everyone but we did our best to get it in the two local papers. We were able to get a front page story and a page 5 story.

In terms of land holdings, these are as follows:
1 land across the estate belongs to a group of investors about 350 acres
2 land behind the houses in Station St belongs to Colin Dolton about 20 acres
3 land on the west side of Maroondah highway is owned by Rod Spurling about 70 acres.
4 land along Killara Rd, about six 10 acre lots owend by six differnt people.

Brett does not own any land, his father does.
Mario, (me) has a share of the land on the corner of Maroondah Highway and Killara Rd. I have no interest in any other land in our push for the expansion of Coldstream as detailed in Coldstream 2020.

Mario Galteri

We have never tried to hide these facts.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for initiating comment on what I believe is made with good intent for the community. However, as a resident whose property backs onto one of the proposed growth development areas (hence I would be directely affected by such development) I was very disappointed that I did not receive one of your flyers. I will consider the idea and post a response. I am aware that you were not able to distribute to all households but I think it would have been courtesy to ensure that those whose properties are "in the line of fire" were made aware. I did not know of this proposal until a friend commented. I am not always able to obtain a copy of the local paper and I work all day close to the city. It's a tough one - gotta admit I moved to Coldstream for the open spaces, but we do need to grow or we'll die.

Unknown said...

We have done our best to get our vision (COLDSTREAM 2020) across but have been unable to contact everyone, but we are happy that the word is getting out there, by any means possible.
Nothing has been decided and will not be for some time yet for that reason.
The response has be fantastic and we will take this to the Shire soon.

Mario Galteri

Anonymous said...

If you had tried to contact everybody like you said you did, what happened to a letter box drop by you. That way everybody would have had the flyer before you had gone to the papers. Pretty bad that we had to find out that way. I have lived in Coldstream 30 years now and when my kids went to school there were 300 odd children, a doctor, a pharmacy, a petrol station etc. And that was with a lot less people in Coldstream, so how do you reckon that increasing Coldstream will bring that back ???. As somebody said we are an ageing community, so I guess that means no more kids at the school than there is now.
Leave Coldstream as it is the tranquility that you dont get with a big Township

Emma said...

I am a resident in Coldstream I think the shops as you drive in from the roundabout(south & north gateway)are an awfull sight. I really feel that it should all be demolished and rebuilt with a new building complex which is more appealing to the eye when driving by hense bringing more business to the area aswell..I have lived in coldstream for 7 years now & not alot has been done to improve the town. I am all for exspanding, this town needs a better kinder, school,doctor's,chemsit,petrol station,kindergarten,also a childcare, family's need to work these days & there is no childcare here, Kilara rd needs to be re-done, & we need traffic lights at kilara rd & Marroondah hwy. I feel coldstream could be more sustainable with all these requirments.. I love the Yarra Valley & Coldstream is right in the middle of it we just need a makeover thanks Emma.

Michelle said...

I am a relatively new resident to Coldstream but I fully support Emma's comments about the awfull looking shops. I don't know that adding more housing is necessarily the only way to get services on track here. One of the main reason that shops and services don't survive here is that the town is designed in a way that all of the shops are only really accesible by locals. If we had a 'main st' that took full advantage of the massive amount of passing traffic, we could sustain and grow local businesses.

Anonymous said...

Heaven help me for progress....I am so tired of the negativity surrounding all proposed potential development of Coldstream...expanding the Urban Growth Boundary and even the Dual Occupancy Development applications......Where are you people coming from?????..
Comments like..."what has Mario got to gain"...more business because of increase.....So cynical...why can't he just be working for the good of the this case its Coldstream...So what...that he doesn't live in Coldstream...he works there, so in affect he spends more time in Coldstream than you guys who live there. Why do you all think there always has to be an ulterior motive????....Clearly a case of "TALL POPPY SYNDROME" we Aussies are so often accused of...Why does it always come down to people thinking that there always has to be a benefit for someone to do some good? It's the Mario's of this world that make things happen!!!!
Get real people....Your Township has been stagnant for more than 10years...decreased values, problems with services, no growth....FOR GOD SAKE!!!!..What Mario is doing is trying to improve YOUR TOWN and so are the Developers who are trying to increase populations.....It's a postive steps to ensure the ongoing survial of Coldstream...clearly something is better than nothing...which is what you people have been accepting for way too long now......Get real people...stop living in the cacoons of the past.....Stop bagging someone who is working for YOUR CAUSE....Do you realise that more development (Dual Occupancy & expanding the Urban Growth Boundary) will increase the value of YOUR will increase the value of YOUR LAND if you have a site that is able to be subdivided (not in the single dwelling covenant area)...this will be worth more in the future...For those of you who don't want to do it (you want to save your land for family cricket in the back yard)....Guess what...YOU DON'T HAVE TOO, but don't deny those who DO......Afterall.....we All complain about how the Council, who won't let us do this and won't let us do are being just as dictitorial as they are.
So let me leave you with this thought......Do you really want to see Coldstream die????....Do you really want to see COLDSTREAM as a second rate Township???? OR, Do you want to see COLDSTREAM as a THRIVING COMMMUNITY/TOWNSHIP like Helaesville. Yarra Glen etc.???? The choice is your's...but let me remind you.....By opposing this expansion of the Urban Growth Boundary and even the Dual will only keep the value of YOUR LAND down, when other Towmships are thriving because of development. In the long term...this means a benefit to you as land holders, a benefit to the communicty of more shops, upgrading services and securing the schools, faciltieis you have at this stage,only been able to just sustain....So I give my support to Mario for his efforts to assist a dying community...Goodd luck Mario in your endeavours and hope that the community of Coldstream wake up to themselves and realsie the benefits of supporting your cause amd Mario I would just like to add....if all won't be on your will result in the ignorance of those who oppose you.