Friday, April 20, 2012

Coldstream- LEAST CHANGE

The following paragraphs are from the Council Agenda Item 8.1 for next week. 
Do you think the first paragraph describes the Coldstream township?

The least change areas generally include significant vegetation, are in relatively remote locations, with limited services and may be subject to environmental constraints such as high fire risk. These areas at the outer periphery of the residential neighbourhoods and signify areas where further development is not considered to be sustainable. Development in these areas could place future residents at risk and/or will impact on preferred neighbourhood character.

The Panel‟s recommendations have been considered regarding the boundaries of the consolidation, incremental and least change areas. It is proposed to uphold the Panel‟s recommendation to include the “Tecoma, Belgrave, Upwey corridor” in an incremental change area. It is not recommended that the designations for Montrose, Coldstream or other areas be altered as they are consistent with the criteria for establishing least change areas.

Comment: Your thoughts welcome

1 comment:

Sania said...

pretty cool post, thanks