Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Shire: Climate Change Spending

The funding allocated to each facility is indicated below:
• Actions spread across all sites: $104,000
• Centenary Pool: $74,000
• Yarra Centre: $155,000
• Shire Offices: $70,000
• Burrinja: $5,000
• Mooroolbark Community Centre: $10,000

These are the major expenses and should save OUR Shire 1,000's kWh/year in electricity 100's of GJ/year in gas and reduce 100's of tonnes of CO2 per year.

As I have said in previous posts this is a win - win situation.

I am still undecided if spending over $300,000 on planting trees is a good option in the short or long term. In my honest opinion the SYR has plenty of trees as can be seen when driving around or better still from Google Earth.

The recent fires will create an explosion in tree numbers as many of our native trees germinate after a fire.

UGB, Overlays & ZONES

The legend above (click on it to see a bigger view) shows a list of possible zones within a boundary. Compare it to the ones we have in Coldstream.

The purpose of the last few posts is an attempt to inform you of the present planning zones around Coldstream. Most of you that know me know that I have always believed the Coldstream residential area is far too small and have often argued for an expansion of the UGB.

We have lost our doctor, our chemist and our service station and there are always vacant shops in the IGA complex. Many of the shops at the Gateway are now mini manufacturing sites (I see nothing wrong with that), storerooms or are empty.

I feel that Coldstream could benefit with a doubling in population with little expense from Shire or Government.

YOUR comments are vital on this topic.

Mario Galteri

UGB & Overlays

What are Overlays?

The map above shows three of the overlays near our township of Coldstream. The overlays are:
1. Significant Landscape Overlay to the North
2. Heritage Overlay ( Melba Residence) also to the North
3. Environmental Significance Overlay to the South

Overlays show land areas that have special features. An overlay may illustrate natural features like remnant vegetation or catchment areas, or built features like road infrastructure or historic buildings.

Overlays are identified for two reasons – to protect a feature from the adverse impacts of development, or to consider the constraints that the overlay may create in new development. For example, a residential development may be constrained by the steepness of land, or an area of significant remnant vegetation may need protection due to its environmental value.

Overlays are an essential consideration in the assessment of development applications.

How do overlays work?

As mentioned above, overlays work in association with zones and precincts to determine what can and cannot be developed on land. Most overlays do not follow property boundaries because they show physical features or land features that existed before subdivision occurred. Overlays for cultural heritage and transport infrastructure elements generally follow property boundaries.

Not all land is affected by an overlay. However, a property may be affected by more than one overlay.

Monday, March 30, 2009

UGB: Urban Growth Boundry

The urban growth boundary (UGB)

An urban growth boundary, or UGB, is a regional boundary, set in an attempt to control urban sprawl by allowing the area inside the boundary for higher density urban development and the area outside for lower density development. An urban growth boundary circumscribes an entire urbanized area and is used by local governments as a guide to zoning and land use decisions.

Melbourne has introduced legislated growth boundaries as part of the Melbourne 2030 metropolitan strategy to limit urban sprawl and protect the intervening open spaces, known as 'green wedges'. Recently the State Government realized that the 2030 policy was not working well as the population has increased faster than anticipated. A new policy is in place called “Melbourne @5 Million” and the State Government has already changed some urban growth boundaries.

Green Wedges

Green Wedges are the non-urban areas of Metropolitan Melbourne.
These non-urban areas also contain infrastructure that supports urban areas, such as airports and quarries.

Are you happy with the present boundary or would you like to see it changed?

Sunday, March 29, 2009


A busy few weeks for Jeanette

- Thanked Alison Cran, Director Social & Economic Development and her staff for their
work on the Gambling Policy.
- Attended the Healesville Chamber of Commerce and Industry meeting.
- Attended with Crs Heenan and Templer, a meeting with Richard Wynne MP, Minister for Housing, Local Government and Aboriginal Affairs regarding housing and homelessness.
- Attended with the Mayor, Cr Cox, Crs Cliff and Dunn, the Sustainable Business Leadership Networking lunch on 18 March.
- Attended the ‘Vocal Nosh’ with Healesville Senior Citizens on 15 March.
- Attended the announcement by James Merlino MP, Minister for Sport, Recreation and Youth Affairs for funding for the Yarra Glen Pony Club and Steels Creek Tennis Club.
- Attended the Dixons Creek BBQ for the local community 22 March and thanked Shire staff for their assistance on the day.
- Attended Autumnfest to celebrate the Autumn equinox and the Organic Farmers Market 5th Anniversary on 21 March.
- Attended the launch of the book ‘The Yarra Valley’ on 21 March. The book has been three years in the making and a percentage of the sales will go to the bushfire relief.

Shire: Climate change budget answers

At the last SYR meeting I sent in a list of 9 questions to clarify the spending of $790,000 on climate change.

I am still trying to find out the EXPECTED cost of each item in value dollar terms and hope that our local trades will perform the work.

The questions and answers are listed below.

The following questions were received from Mario Galteri relating to Carbon Management:
1 The figure of $790K per annum is mentioned as being the cost. Who gets this money and how will it be spent? The report only talks in general terms.
2 60 000 plants are to be planted. Ok, where and how much will this cost?
3 Genesis Now talk about 17 high priority, cost effective opportunities. I cannot see this list in the documentation. What are these points?
4 Does the Shire plan on paying extra for green electricity? If so, to whom and how much?
5 Table 1 in the attachment has forecast emissions for the Shire. What is the reasoning behind the 2% increase in energy use per year over the next 10 years?
6 In light of the probable high cost of Black Saturday to the Shire should spending on this project be delayed or reduced for a year or two?
7 In light if the global economic conditions should the Shire cut back its spending on this and other projects?
8 The review date of 2013-14 appears to be too far away considering the changes in scientific knowledge coming out that contradicts present knowledge. For example, how effective is planting tree an effective way of capturing CO2. Should reviews be more often?
9 How much will be spent on REC’s?

The Director Environment & Engineering, Simon Thomas responded as follows:
1 & 2. The budget spent by Council is approximately $320,000 on the planting program
(60,000 plants) and the balance of $470,000 on funding energy reduction
measures to meet Council’s target of reducing carbon emissions by 30% on 2000
levels by 2010.
3. Sixteen of the initiatives relate to facility upgrades (such as internal lighting, pool covers, more efficient pump and heating systems, etc.) and behaviour change approaches across the organisation. The projects will occur across the Shire’s highest greenhouse gas generating facilities, namely, the Anderson Street Corporate Centre, Southern Annex (Treehouse), Burrinja and the Kilsyth, Yarra Junction and Monbulk Aquatic Centres. The seventeenth initiative is the implementation of sustainable street lighting.
4. No.
5. The model is based on a historic trend as a result of ongoing increased service and facility provision for the community. The Shire is expected to continue to trend
towards an increase of energy use when not investing in further opportunities to reduce consumption.
6. The budget has been set aside by Council to fund a program to reduce the organisation’s energy costs in the medium term.
7. The introduction of the Federal National Pollution Reduction Scheme will increase energy costs in the medium term. The Shire’s Carbon Management Program will provide investment in community services and building infrastructure across the Shire which will decrease the operating costs in the long term and provide additional employment in the short term.
8. The Council resolution is for an annual status report on the implementation of the program. The Shire will continue to evaluate new technologies and scientific knowledge and incorporate where possible. The above review coincides with the planned review of the Resource Management Strategy.
9. Nil.

Click on the title to go to the Council Minutes

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour poll

Results from the Leader newspaper shows not as many people will be switching off during the Earth Hour as we may have anticipated.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Shire: Hire a Hall for your Next Party!

Coldstream Community Centre
Address: Kelso Street, Coldstream
Melway Reference: 281 B10

This large hall with a capacity of 200 has the following facilities:

* Can be divided into two smaller halls with concertina dividing wall
* 200 chairs with chair trolley
* 30 laminated trestle tables 1800 x 750
* large kitchen
* urn, electric oven and hotplates, fridge, pie warmer
* ducted heating
* overhead fans
* disabled toilet with access ramp to hall
* 3 smaller meeting rooms for hire
* hirers will need to provide their own crockery and cutlery

No under-age or 21st birthday parties permitted at this hall.

To view the Shire's Conditions of Hire, Insurance Policy and Fee Structure, please click on the links below. If you wish to complete an on-line application form, please click on the form link below.

For further information please use the email link below to Halls and Venues Coordinator or telephone 9294 6228 during office hours.

Shire: Cat Curfew

Yesterday I mentioned Dog Poo so it is only fair to talk about cats today.

Did you know the Shire of Yarra Ranges has a cat curfew?

Under the curfew, cat owners throughout the shire are required to keep their animals inside, or in an enclosure, between the hours of 8pm and 6am, in an effort to prevent native wildlife, including possums and birds, being attacked by cats.

For more information click to view the Animal Control Local Law or contact the shire's Local Laws department on 1300 368 333.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lights: Watch this space

Expecting some news soon, I hope good for all of us!

Coldstream: Dog Poo

I came across this but was so happy it was not Coldstream 3770 but another coldstream.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Dog owners beware!
ONE of my pet hates (excuse the pun) is dog fouling.
Apparently one of the Berwickshire towns worst hit by this problem is Coldstream.
Following complaints to SBC about the amount of dog poo in Coldstream, an SBLocal team visited the town and in just one day cleared up an astonishing 335 doggy deposits.
The shear scale of the problem is simply disgusting to say the least and I would urge anyone witnessing dogs fouling - anywhere in Berwickshire - to be prepared to name and shame the responsible dog owners and do their bit to keep our communities clean.

Bushfire update: Victorian Govt Business Reps will be at Yarra Glen Recovery Centre

just a reminder that representatives from the Victorian Business Centre will be at Yarra Glen Recovery Centre from 11am until 3pm today.

There is also General bushfire recovery information session. Thursday 26th March - 6:30pm - 8:30pm at the Yarra Glen Recovery Centre.

Details for business are being constantly updated at www.yarraranges.vic.gov.au or www.yarravalleynow.com.au or www.business.vic.gov.au

Donna Donovan Business Support Officer
Economic Development
P: (03) 9294 6426
M: 0419 092 324
F: (03) 9294 6239
E: d.donovan@yarraranges.vic.gov.au

W: www.yarraranges.vic.gov.au

please consider the environment before printing this email

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

CFA: Lucky Phil

Who is Phil?
Click on the TITLE above to find out!

Shire: Budget $790,000 on Climate Change

Last night I had the pleasure of listening to my 9 questions (which were previously posted here a few days ago) answered by S Thomas (Director of Environment and Engineering).

I am also happy to report that the $790,000 will be spent in the shire. The money will be spent on tree planting (to capture CO2) and "fixing" a number of Shire owned facilities to reduce their energy consumption. Reduction of energy consumption is a "win win" item. The shire saves money on energy in the long term and reduces CO2 emission as well.

My main concern was that the Shire would buy RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates) and some of our money would go out of the Shire. This will not occur and only one councillor (Cr S Dunn) argued for REC to be bought.

Another win win situation is that since all work is to be done in the Shire then most of the work could be done by our local work force, helping maintain a healthy work force.

I am hoping to get a detailed list from S Thomas and post it here soon so that you can see the projects proposed and apply to do them if applicable.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Brewery: Visit from St Kilda Ale Stars

Calling all St Kilda Ale Stars (and anyone else interested)!

The first annual Road Trip has been locked in for Saturday April 18th. It's going to be blast as we ( St Kilda Ale Stars) coach it down to the Yarra Valley and visit Coldstream Brewery, Hargreaves Hill restaurant/bar and the yet-to-be-opened and innovative White Rabbit Brewery.

Read the full story by clicking on the title and make them feel welcome.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Jobs: Coldstream is a Red alert suburb

The suburb of Coldstream is a Red Alert - high risk job loss suburb based on the CofFEE/URP EVI modelling.

Coldstream is located in the Melbourne area, in VIC. Its CofFEE/URP EVI score of 0.42613 suggests that its residents are very vulnerable to employment loss if the national economy contracts.

It has a younger population relative to the VIC average.

In terms of post secondary qualifications, Coldstream has education levels which are below the VIC average. This increases the likelihood that the suburb will experience job losses in a national contraction.

Individuals in Coldstream earn more than the median individual income for VIC while Median family income in Coldstream is more than the median family income for VIC.

Mortgage holders in Coldstream are making monthly payments which are below the median VIC mortgage repayment.

Coldstream 's workforce is less likely to be part-time employment relative to the VIC average and its labour market performance summarised by its overall unemployment rate relative to VIC is good.

Get the full story by clicking on the TITLE.

Shire: Climate Change Spending

These are the questions I have asked in relation to the $790,000 to be spent on item 8.3 "Carbon Management Program"

1 The figure of $790K per annum is mentioned as being the cost.
Who gets this money and how will it be spent? The report only talks in general terms.

2 60 000 plants are to be planted. Ok, where and how much will this cost?

3 Genesis Now talk about 17 high priority, cost effective opportunities. I cannot see this list in the documentation. What are these points?

4 does the shire plan on paying extra for green electricity? If so, to whom and how much.

5. Table 1 in the attachment has forecast emissions for the shire. What is the reasoning behind the 2% increase in energy use per year over the next 10 years.

6 in light of the probable high cost of Black Saturday to the Shire should spending on this project be delayed or reduced for a year or two?

7 in light if the global economic conditions should the Shire cut back its spending on this and other projects?

8 the review date of 2013-14 appears to be too far away considering the changes in scientific knowledge coming out that contradicts present knowledge. For example, how effective is planting tree an effective way of capturing CO2. Should reviews be more often?

9 how much will be spent on REC’s?

I hope to post answers here after the Council meeting

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Shire: Our Money Spent on Climate Change

The Shire of Yarra Ranges has an allocated budget of $790,000 per annum to implement Council’s Climate Change Commitment.

DO YOU, yes YOU! care?

DO YOU, yes YOU! know how this is going to be spent?

DO YOU, yes YOU! agree with the spending?

DO YOU, yes YOU! know how much is going outside the SYR?

DO YOU, yes YOU! want answers?

If you feel motivated, go to yesterdays post and look at agenda item I refered to.

I will be asking the SYR a few questions on this matter, e mail me on coldstream@eftel.net.au if you want some answers as well.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Shire: Budget $790,000 on Climate Change

The Shire of Yarra Ranges has an allocated budget of $790,000 per annum to implement Council’s Climate Change Commitment. A range of options have been examined to achieve Council’s Climate Change Objectives as set out in the attachment. This report proposes to direct a large part of the above funding towards capital improvement projects to reduce the Shire’s reliance on energy consumption. The annual savings will be returned to the program to fund further energy reduction measures.

How do you feel about this expense in light of the expenses caused by Black Saturday? I am undecided at the moment.
Read the full item by clicking on the TITLE above and select item 8.3 on the next Council agenda.

General: Stones of the Yarra Valley, Coldstream

BREATHING new life into old farm buildings has been rewarding for three country families, writes GRETEL HUNNERUP.

To read the full story click on the TITLE above.

Fires: Australian Tax Office

Excess contributions tax obligations for individuals affected by bushfires
or floods.

Information on dealing with excessive contributions tax (ECT) for those
affected by natural disasters.

To read the full story click on the TITLE above.

Payments from super after a disaster

Information about accessing super before your retire to assist you and
your dependants

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Population Growth

This map shows the expected population growth within the Yarra Ranges to 2036. As you can see it has minimal growth.

I am concerned with this small growth in population over the next 25 years and what effect it will have on the area as a whole.

I suspect that infrastructure will come to a halt as we will not have enough people to warrant it.

Businesses will continue to struggle and the Shire will become tired and neglected.

What do you think? Should we encourage more people to move to the Yarra Ranges and if so do we need to look at the UGB (Urban Growth Boundry) around all the small townships in the Valley?


Latest gos regarding the servo on the corner of Station St and Maroondah Highway is that it will not reopen as a servo in the near future.

Russel from Methven (Mooroolbark) informed me that United had been interested but not interested enough. He was unable to tell who would be moving into the site as parties were still negotiating.

We need more people in Coldstream to make local business more viable.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Building: FREE building practitioner SEMINARS

To read the full story click on the TITLE above.

Fires: New building standards for bushfire areas

Every new home built in Victoria will undergo a BAL assessment as part of the application for a building permit. This will determine the method of construction to be used to better protect properties from the threat of bushfires.

To read the full story click on the TITLE above.

ANL: VCAT Update

We are expecting VCAT's Order in relation to last Friday's meeting very soon, hopefully this week. My suggestion is that you post the details of the Order once it has been made as it would be inappropriate for the Shire to comment on the conduct of the hearing itself.

James Larmour-Reid
Director Planning Building & Health

What this means is that it is now "absolutely super critical that all odour events are reported". No more "its only a little bit I won't bother, report it!!. Encourage your friends to report it and so on. I can't emphasis just how important this will prove to be..
on your Blog would be productive.
Regards Tony King

Just a reminder, the STINK WEB SITE IS AS FOLLOWS:

http://www.greenstink.com.au/ or just click on the title to go to it.

Video: Just for fun

Click on the TITLE above to see a funny video. This has nothing to do with Coldstream but I thought it was too funny not to share it. Thanks to Dita for sending it.
Open the file called opps!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

ANL: VCAT 13 March 2009

All I can say at the moment is

I will see if the SYR can give us more information.

Shire: Clipping from the local paper

click on the clipping if you have poor eyesight like me.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Rain: Good Falls

From the start of the year we have had 71mm of rain in Coldstream of which 53mm fell in the past week.

The good rainfall has completely extinguished any fires in the Coldstream area and the grass is already starting to look green.

shire: Mad dash to splash Yarra Valley cash

YARRA Ranges Shire could have missed out on $1.7 million in infrastructure funding because it hadn’t answered a letter.

$55,000 Coldstream Salinity Treatment System

For the installation of a salinity treatment system to the existing bore at Halley Supple Reserve in Coldstream to enable irrigation of sporting fields.

Location: North and South Gateway, Coldstream VIC

To read the full story click on the TITLE above.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

General: House Values

It's a wet and cold day so not much is happening. The picture above shows two houses for sale in the estate. I put them there to give you an idea of the values at the moment. $300,000 to $350,000 still buys a good solid home in Coldstream.

The median house price is $312K and has risen 7% in the past 12 months.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

General: Christian Fellowship

"We have many outreach programs running in our church. We have many local ministries ranging from toddlers to adults. For more information please click the heading above."

Interested? Click on the title above.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Death: Bill Monkman

Bill, a long time worker at Coldstream Timber, died last night after a long illness with cancer.

We send our love and thoughts to his family.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

ANL: EPA & SYR Back to VCAT tomorrow re ANL

Update - February 2009
The Victorian Civil & Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) made interim orders in relation to the ANL case on 5th December 2008. The orders do not provide a final verdict on either the Council case (Council asked VCAT to revoke ANL's planning permit) or the EPA case (EPA submitted that ANL should not be given a licence).

After hearing the evidence arising from the case, which concluded on 1st December, VCAT made two orders:

1.Australian Native Landscapes Pty Ltd (ANL) is directed to prepare, file and serve on the other parties documentation detailing the further steps and arrangements it proposes to adopt in relation to the abatement of odour nuisances on and from its premises by 4pm on Friday 27 February 2009, such documentation to be accompanied by written statement of what has been done and/or what it proposes to do with such documentation in relation to an application under section 19D of the Environmental Protection Act 1970 and what other use it proposes to make of such documentation in relation to other steps or application it has undertaken or contemplates. If it does not propose to utilise s. 19D of the EP Act the written statement is to set out the reasons of ANL for not doing so.

2.A directions hearing in relation to these cases is fixed for 10am on Friday 13 March 2009.

The VCAT orders give ANL an opportunity to document the practical steps it proposes to take in order to stop emissions of odour beyond the boundary of their facility. EPA and the Shire of Yarra Ranges will have an opportunity to respond to the substance of these proposals subsequent to the directions hearing on 13 March 2009.

Fires: Bushfire Assistance for Business

ONLINE BUSINESS IMPACT SURVEY - Are You a Business Affected by Bushfire?

Australian Taxation Office at Yarra Glen on Thursday 12 March
Representatives from Victorian Government In Yarra Glen
Rebuilding after the fires - A Register for Trade Services
Emergency Tools of Trade Payment for Individuals
Household repairs payment
Income Recovery Subsidy and Newstart Allowance
Victorian Bushfire Assistance announced 18 Feb 2009
What's on locally for business

From Donna Donovan SYR.

To read the full story click on the TITLE above.

Fires: Tax Help

Tax help for Victorians

Tax Commissioner Michael D'Ascenzo today announced tax refunds and payment
advice notices for people affected by the Victorian bushfires will soon be
on the way.

To read the full story click on the TITLE above.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

fires: Victorian Government Bushfire Information Portal

Victorian Government Bushfire Information Portal

Click on the TITLE to go to the portal.

Locals: Carolyn Rogers

Carolyn Rogers, a retired veterinary nurse who runs a textile arts business from her Coldstream home, decided to help her neighbour's mother, a wildlife carer, when the fires hit.

The women advertised their sewing club in the Coldstream Primary School newsletter. Headmaster Peter Donaldson organised for the group to use the Coldstream Community Centre for two weeks.

Read what the group did by clicking on the TITLE above.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Fires: The Fireguardian

Helen Wositzky Community Fireguard Coordinator writes:

"In this edition some share their story, and in each of these there is a message and lesson for all of us who did not have to test our own plans.-YET

Whelans Rd / Long Gully Rd - Healesville
Kings Rd - Kinglake West
Moore Court - Castella
St Andrews - Wild Dog Creek Rd
Mills Rd - Kinglake
Mc Murrays - Kinglake
Steels Creek
Hodges Rd - Chum Creek
Hilton Rd - Ferny Creek
Coombs Rd - Kinglake West
Edenvale - Kinglake West"

Click on the TITLE to read these stories.