Saturday, May 30, 2009

Reform Urged for Fire Levy

NO MUG SHOT, I must have been too ugly, but the point got across.

Click on the IMAGE (left) to see it in full detail.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Mug Shot

Look for my mug shot in the Herald Sun tomorrow (Saturday).

The paper is doing a story on the Fire Service Levy, a topic I have been talking about for a while now.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

CFA and MFB and FSL

Hi Mario,
I noticed on your blog yesterday the following comment:

"In Victoria, the levy is substantially higher for country-based businesses than for urban companies. This situation is particularly ironic, when it is considered that mainly volunteer-based rural fire services are less likely to reach country properties in time to extinguish the fires".

I am not sure where your information comes from but the second sentence is generally a propaganda statement from the UFU (United Firefighters Union) against the volunteer system and is a load of rubbish.

If we got rid of the volunteer system and replaced it with a paid system, there is no way that there would be a paid fire service in every tin pot town that you have now. The shire of Yarra Ranges would probably be reduced from the 60 odd brigades to about 6 in the major towns of the shire and your shire rates would go up accordingly to pay for this service. Coldstream would probably be serviced from Lilydale. I could go on but ..........

Let's keep the blog on track about the Fire Service Levy, and not introduce CFA v MFB red herring.

Robert Bethell.

Thanks Robert, your comments are duly noted but I took the meaning differently, however I see your point.

I have just met with Peter Ryan MLA (Leader of The Nationals) and the Herald-Sun as well as the Mountain Views for a story on the tax ops levy! We are looking at a fairer system to fund the CFA and MFB but I have no problem with the work you all do.

Thanks again Robert.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Message from Our CEO, Glenn Patterson

Dear Community member

I’m pleased to be able to provide you with a copy of the council’s 2009/10 budget information sheet – Bridging the Gap.

The council believes this is the most important and visionary budget it has developed in its 14 year history. The budget comes at a time when the Australian economy is officially in recession and job losses continue to grow.

It is with this backdrop that the Council has taken the decision to develop a budget that focuses on stimulating the local economy through major construction activity and significantly expanded asset maintenance activities.

This year’s draft budget will deliver the council’s largest-ever capital works program and is part of a massive $272 million 10-year capital expenditure program aimed at delivering new and improved community infrastructure.

The 10-year program will see an extra $68.5 million in capital works funding, in addition to what was proposed previously, to stimulate construction in the region and help support local jobs.

As you will see from the information sheet the budget comprises four main themes. These are:

Major projects and Actions – including projects that are currently underway such as the development of new community hubs, cultural and sporting facilities, projects that are in the planning phase and future projects.

Environment management – including practical measures to reduce CO2 emissions, target invasive weed species, better support Landcare groups, improve bushland maintenance and commence a new urban tree planting program initiative.

Asset maintenance renewal and upgrading – directing significant funding to construct new and improve existing footpaths, improving our unsealed road network and drought proof many sporting grounds.

Organisational Development – improving our organisation’s processes to provide even better service to the community.

I encourage you to have a look at the full council budget by clicking on the title above, or pick up a copy from one of our Community Links.

Best wishes

Glenn Patterson
Shire of Yarra Ranges

Shire Budget in Detail

To read the full story click on the TITLE above.
Budget process Timing
1. Officers prepare operating and capital budgets ......................Mar/Apr
2. Council considers draft budgets at informal briefings ............Apr/May
3. Proposed budget submitted to Council for approval ..............May
4. Public notice advising intention to adopt budget ....................May
5. Budget available for public inspection and comment .............May
6. Community engagement process undertaken .......................Jun
7. Submissions period closes (28 days) .......................................Jun
8. Submissions considered by Council .........................................Jun
9. Budget and submissions presented to Council for adoption .Jun
10. Copy of adopted budget submitted to the Minister ............Aug

As at 28 February 2009, the Shire of Yarra Ranges had a total of 831 staff equating to approximately 549 equivalent full-time (EFT) positions.

What we Scored

Yarra Ranges council budget :

What Coldstream Got!

$1.28 million for a road improvement special charge scheme at Boundary Road (North Cormillo Road only) and Ingram Road, Coldstream (including external funding) with a further $310,000 in 2010/11

Transfer Stations
$10,000 Coldstream Transfer Station works, with a further 10,000 each year for the next 10 years
$200,000 Coldstream landfill to construct two new bays
$625,000 Coldstream Landfill improvement works, with a further $2.32 million over the next four years.

RATES will surge 6.9 per cent in Yarra Ranges Shire, and council debt will jump, as the shire embarks on a massive $272 million infrastructure spending spree over ten years.

Fire Service Levy Set to INCREASE

As mentioned in the last few posts, those of us who pay insurance pay the FSL. The FSL funds the CFA & MFB.

Because of the recent fires the levy will now be set at 68% of the insurance premium (for businesses) add to that GST(10%) and Stamp duty (10%) and you can see that this fee will hurt small business who take out adequate insurance.

Such taxes are a disincentive to people and businesses to insure their property at prudent levels, or indeed to insure them at all.

Victoria – continues to exploit insurance as a
convenient and low-profile way to extract millions of dollars from people and individuals who simply want to protect their property.

The disastrous February 2009 bushfires in Victoria have revealed as many as 30% of those who lost their homes had no insurance at all.

Without the three or four taxes heaped on the premium, home and contents insurance could be easily affordable for every Australian.

In Victoria, the levy is substantially higher for country-based businesses than for urban companies. This situation is particularly ironic, when it is considered that mainly volunteer-based rural fire services are less likely to reach country properties in time to extinguish the fires.

The more governments penalise the insured, the more underinsured people there will be who need financial assistance to survive. As governments help those who didn’t insure, those who did ask why.

“The abolition of stamp duties on insurance will eliminate the invidious situation of taxes being charged on other taxes, a problem that is brought into sharp relief when the fire services levy, stamp duty on insurance and GST all appear on the one bill.” (2001, Victorian Government Review)

State governments now accrue more in insurance taxes than they do from gambling machines.

Reference: >>>>>

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fire Service Levy: WHO PAYS?

The FSL (Fire Service Levy) is collected to fund the CFA and MFB.
Depending on where you live you can pay more or less levy.
Depending on weather you are an individual or a business you can pay a different levy.
The levy is collected when you pay your insurance but if you are uninsured you do not pay.

Below is a breakdown of a typical business bill.

Insurance Premium $ 13,768
Fire Service Levy $ 7,187
Stamp Duty $ 2305

Broker fee $ 2500

GST $ 2345

TOTAL BILL $28,105

I don't mind paying a FSL, it is an essential service, but the way it is calculated is wrong.
For a start, it should be paid by every property owner and not just those who insure their property.
It should not be based on property values, as property values are in the main are based on location.
As an essential service it should be a State Government TAX or like a household levy of old.

Please add to this discussion : Can you think of a fair way to pay for the FSL?

Draft Vision 2020 - is it really YOUR Vision?

Below is an unedited response from Cait Hoogenbosch and her comments about the draft Vision 2020.
Please take time to read this as Cait makes some very important points.

Your comments are welcome on this post.

Draft Vision 2020 - is it really YOUR Vision?

I would like to thank Mario for allowing me this guest post and giving me an open forum to express my concerns with the Draft Vision 2020.

I attended the two-day community forum. My hopes for open discussions were dashed on day one when the Shire organizers, in its apparent need to control everything, decided what we should be discussing.

Day one was hijacked by various invited speakers. The worst speaker was the Greens party member who wanted to indoctrinate us into believing his ideology. Fortunately for us, the computer rallied against this Technological Taliban and his slide show didn’t work. One attendee, obviously annoyed, yelled out that he should just get on with his talk and forget the presentation. I would have preferred if he didn’t go on at all as he was trying to make a presentation in the fashion of Al Gore in An Inconvenient Truth (AIT). Apparently the speaker was unaware that a United Kingdom court judged AIT to be a propaganda piece and found 11 inaccuracies in the film.

One inaccuracy is something that all Australians should be made aware of; that although the film, and all those in the man-made global warming camp, claim global warming leads to coral reef bleaching, the High Court could not find any evidence to support this claim. This has recently been confirmed in a study that has been published in a peer reviewed scientific journal, New Scientist. Corals can upgrade their symbiotic algae to a more heat resistant strain so coral bleaching is avoided. Now you know.

I could continue with the abomination of the day two forum, but that would take pages to write about. Suffice to say the entire Community Forum was a sham and many of us felt we had wasted our time.

Below I will highlight some new additions to Vision 2020 that were not discussed at the forum so I can only assume that these additions came from Council meetings with ‘special interest groups’ and the mysterious ‘stakeholders’. I’ve asked for the stakeholder list but the Shire won’t give me one.

The term ‘climate change’ is now in our Vision. Why do I object to this? Because it allows the harsh measures outlined in the Environmental Strategy to become realized. Vision 2020 is a statutory document. Council can create laws through what is stated in it. Council is already increasing our rates by 1.3% to fight ‘climate change’ – whatever that is. If Vision 2020 accepts the theory, too, that amount can and will be raised to whatever figure council decides. Let me be clear, the current 1.3% is on top of the already high rate increase. The 7% rate increase from a few years back would have been 5.7% had is not been for what I call the Carbon Tax. Last year’s 4.5% increase would have been 3.2% had it not been for that Carbon Tax. And let’s be honest, if every person in this shire disappeared it would not make one difference to the climate or worldwide human caused CO2 emissions. Not as long as there’s a China and an India in the world.

The draft Vision 2020 also talks about wind turbines. I’m not sure if they want them in the Shire, but the only place I can think of them putting them is in our Yarra Valley.

And the Draft Vision 2020 wants to get rid of the dairy industry.

There’s also a lot of talk in it about ‘Green Jobs’ and renewable energy. Too bad the Council won’t read the report from Spain, ‘Study of effects on employment of public aid to renewable energy sources’. An average of 2.2 jobs were lost for every ‘green’ job created. The subsidy for photovoltaics destroyed 9 jobs for each renewable job created. Spain’s unemployment soared to 17.4% in the 1st Quarter of 2009. Is this what the Council has planned for us?

They also want us to trade in carbon credits. Council wants to regulate energy use in all homes and businesses – read the Environmental Strategy if you don’t believe me. Homeowners will be ‘offered’ a ‘free’ ‘carbon footprint’ test. This will seem innocuous at first. But Council will eventually mandate that each homeowner in the Shire will only be allowed a carbon footprint of – pick a number. Those going above that number will have to either pay a fine, or purchase carbon credits. In Medieval times you could purchase indulgences to compensate for your sins; nowadays you can purchase carbon credits for your ‘sin’ of using your refrigerator, heating your home, or using your car. Is this really what the community envisions for 2020?

There’s more, but I don’t want to take advantage of Mario’s generous offer.

I am urging everyone to read and comment on the Draft Vision 2020. I do not believe this is a Community Vision anymore but Council’s plan for how they want the community to behave and what they want the community to believe. Please do not let the Council have control of our Vision 2020. If we do, our future is beyond grim.

Comments are due by June 5th. Council gave us over 70 days to decide about the green waste been, but only 25 days to comment on what is supposed to be OUR document. This alone proves that Council wants to thwart our voice. Don't let them.

Cait Hoogenbosch

Chum Creek


We need a YARDMAN DRIVER at Coldstream Timber. You need to have a Truck and Forklift Licence and a knowledge of Timber.
e mail me if interested

Vision 2020 Review - Help Shape our Future

Vision 2020 is the shared vision of the Yarra Ranges community. It describes the kind of community and environment residents of Yarra Ranges wish for in the year 2020 and provides a guiding framework for present and future generations.

Vision 2020 is currently under review and a draft document has now been prepared that brings together feedback from the Yarra Ranges community on issues and priorities.
Vision 2020 logo

We encourage you to review the draft revised Vision 2020 document by clicking here. Send through your comments on the document by Friday 5th June to Birgit King. Alternatively, you can post your feedback to PO Box 105, Lilydale 3140.

The Smell Lingers On

Smell still causing a stink

COLDSTREAM residents have been put on hold again as the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) continues to deliberate on matters that will determine the future of the Australian Native Landscapes compost plant at Coldstream.

After the Environment Protection Authority rejected an application from ANL for a licence to continue to operate the plant the company took the matter to VCAT arguing that the EPA had failed to make a decision.

To read the full story (From the Mail) click on the TITLE above.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Service Station Site

I have just been told that Valley Steel will be moving into the servo site on the corner of Station St.. It will be selling the Ranbuild products.

Welcome to Coldstream, gang.

Ranbuild is the market leader in the prefabricated steel building industry.

Ranbuild have been delivering superior buildings since 1949. Ranbuild Pty Ltd is fully owned by BlueScope Steel, one of Australia’s largest and most respected building companies.

Ranbuild specialises in buildings for the Domestic, Rural, Industrial and Equine markets. The vast range of building designs will ensure Ranbuild can exceed your requirements.


I mentioned this some time ago and pleased to say that the coalition have made a move on this unfair levy!

In country Victoria (ie Coldstream) we pay our FSL (fire service levy) with our insurance.
The sum of the stamp duty, GST and FSL is greater than the premium!


The Victorian Liberal Nationals Coalition in government will review the existing Fire Services Levy and implement a fairer system that provides adequate funding for state fire services, Shadow Minister for Bushfire Response and Leader of The Nationals Peter Ryan said today.
“The Fire Services Levy, which is essentially a tax on insurance premiums to fund fire services including the Country Fire Authority (CFA), means that people who insure their home against fire pay for those who do not,” Mr Ryan said.
“The levy is a strong disincentive to insure against fire, with evidence from the recent bushfires suggesting that approximately 30 per cent of the houses lost were not insured.
“There are other fairer models that fund fire services in other states which more evenly distribute the cost of funding fire services.
“I have written to the Henry Review of Australia's taxation system and to the Bushfires Royal Commission requesting the issue of the Fire Services Levy be reviewed.”
“With the recent announcement by the government of a further five per cent increase in the Fire Services Levy, an already unsatisfactory arrangement has become completely unacceptable.
“Given the unfairness of the Fire Services Levy which increases insurance premiums of country Victorians by up to 68 per cent, it is crucial that the current system is reviewed.”
Mr Ryan said the CFA was largely funded by the Fire Services Levy and would not be
short-changed in the process of securing a new system.
“The same amount of money will need to be provided because it is vital that the CFA gets proper funding, but the question is how best to do it,” Mr Ryan said.
Mr Ryan said the Victorian Liberal Nationals Coalition in government would consider the outcomes of the Henry Review and the Royal Commission’s findings regarding the Fire Services Levy with a view to implementing a more equitable arrangement.
“A Coalition government will review the system because the Fire Services Levy is unfair, inequitable and unacceptable to Victorians,” Mr Ryan said.
“John Brumby and Labor refuse to acknowledge the Fire Services Levy is a tax, when it clearly is, and the Premier’s inaction demonstrates his complete disregard for country Victorians.”
Media: Sonia Heath 0413 485 526 or 9651 8526

Friday, May 22, 2009

More Clarification on C81

Simon Merrigan wrote:

Hi Mario

The Council voted to adopt the amended policies on the 16th December 2008 – see agenda item 8.2 of minutes. They say that it is just a rewriting of the policies to simplify them and does not change the intent of their policies (which is what they mean by ‘policy neutral’) and without going through the full document with a fine tooth comb I think this is correct. The Housing Strategy is definitely not policy neutral and will result in a further amendment to the policies. This would still be some way off given the Council are looking at the revised policy next week. Note that the am81 took nearly 6 months to be given a tick by State Government (which is what happened yesterday).

Hope this helps.
Simon Merrigan


Millar | Merrigan

Clarification of C81

Damian Closs Manager Strategic Planning has clarified the previous post as follows:
Amendment C81:

Updates and restructures the LPPF including the MSS. Removes Local Planning Policies for Residential areas, Rural Living Areas, Rural Areas, Commercial Centres, Industrial Areas, Tourism, and Fire Risk Management and incorporates relevant policy into the MSS. Introduces a new local planning policy for Discretionary Uses in Residential and Industrial areas based on existing policy. Renumbers remaining (6) unchanged local planning policies. The amendment is a plain English rewrite of the Scheme.

As the description describes the amendment does not change any policy. Its intent is to simplify and reduce repetition and put the local planning policy framework (MSS and local planning policies) into an easier format.

Amendment C85:

This amendment extends the expiry date for the interim Lilydale and Chirnside Park Major Activity Centres policies (clauses 22.06. and 22.07) and the operation of the Design and Development Overlay Schedule 4 for the Lilydale Market (clause 43.02-4) by 2 years. This amendment was requested by Council to extend the interim controls for these activity centres for a further 2 years.

These amendments, C81 and C85 are not related to implementing actions of the Housing Strategy.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Why has this been approved before the presentation at the next shire meeting?

Yarra Ranges C81
Replaces the existing Local Planning Policy Framework with a shortened restuctured version.

Yarra Ranges C85
Extends the expiry date for interim structure plan controls for Lilydale and Chirnside Park Major Activity Centres.

Rural Townships
These include Coldstream, Seville, Seville East, Silvan, Healesville, Wandin, Warburton, Millgrove, Monbulk, Woori Yallock, Yarra Glen, Seville and Yarra Junction.
Rural townships are dispersed throughout the rural parts of the Shire, linked by main roads, such as the Maroondah, Melba and Warburton Highways. Separated from the more urbanised areas, many have a distinctive character and serve as an important community focal point and also provide a source of employment for the surrounding population.
Many rural townships have a rustic charm influenced by their scenic rural setting, the presence of prominent heritage buildings in towns (such as Healesville, Warburton and Yarra Glen) and the retention of an extensive tree canopy. Others, such as Wandin, Seville and Woori Yallock are essentially dormitory residential areas with small commercial centres serving local needs. Some parts of rural townships are not serviced by fully constructed roads or connected to reticulated sewerage.


It appears that the VCAT will sit again today and maybe Friday to hear the case for ANL's application.
Let's hope we get a good outcome by Friday.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

'Big stink' goes to VCAT

BY GILBERT GARDINER from the Yarra Ranges Journal.
RESIDENTS fed up with an overwhelming stench from a Coldstream compost plant are hopeful the issue will be resolved at a VCAT hearing on Thursday.

Former resident Cathy Butler said it was "putrid" living near the compost facility. "I'm not the only one to have moved. We're hoping there's going to be a good outcome for the community [on Thursday]. It's about time they regain some fresh air, get their life back."

Read it all by clicking the title above.
By the way, I think it may have been today, Wednesday at VCAT.

Coldstream Housing Strategy

After a quick read of the documents I am sad to say that once again Coldstream has been ignored and I think there is little we can do about it until a change in local policy and attitude towards Coldstream. I quote:

"Given the extensive consultation that has occurred in developing the draft Housing Strategy, it is not proposed that further consultation be undertaken on the Strategy itself. Any changes to the planning scheme will require a planning scheme amendment and this will require further consultation including a formal public exhibition process and review by an independent panel, if required."

I still think we tick all the right boxes and the arguements put forward for other townships to increase in population and number of houses equally apply to Coldstream. These are the boxes:

Implementation of the Strategy is structured around the following four themes: 1. Sustainable local communities 2. Sustainable housing design 3. Diversity and choice 4. Affordable housing

By allowing a few blocks to be sub-divided we can easly achieve these outcome. But the powers that be, do not agree.

Have you ever wondered why I use this picture? Fitting, don't you think?

Draft Housing Strategy

In June 2008 Council resolved to prepare a final draft of the Housing Strategy and this document has now been completed.

The Housing Strategy will identify Council’s long term vision for housing in the Shire. Four themes are identified in the strategy; ‘sustainable local communities’, ‘sustainable housing design’, ‘diversity and choice’ and ‘affordable housing’ and the accompanying action plan is based on these themes.

To read the full story click on the TITLE above.

The Boys are back in Town

The fight continues with the residents, the shire, the EPA agaist ANL at VCAT.
Lets hope for a solution to the smell as this has been going on for far too long as detailed a few days ago in a previous post by a long term resident.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


1800 333 000
to report hoons

Crime Stats: Yarra Ranges

Youth offences, residential burglaries, public order and alcohol-related crime are the key issues that police are currently targeting in the Yarra Ranges.

Increased traffic patrols have helped reduce serious injuries on our roads and we will continue to focus on road safety in the coming year to continue this downward trend.

How can you prevent crime?
Tips on staying safe in your area?
Click on the title to find out how.

Housing Strategy

The "FINAL DRAFT" of the Shire Housing Policy will be available next Wednesday 20th on line and at the shire offices.

This is an important document that will guide us through the next 25 years. I am led to believe that the 2006 census was used throughout this document.



Monday, May 18, 2009

Comment by a local re ANL VCAT SYR

We are regularly affected by foul, noxious, nauseating to the point of vomiting, odours emitted from ANL’s site, whenever there is a breathe of wind from that direction the odour towards our home invading our airspace to such a degree that it is so unpleasant that we are driven indoors, needing to close all windows and doors and vents from ducted systems and still the odour invades our home. Sometimes we need to make the choice to get out of the area for a few hours respite. When time permitted I have made numerous complaints to the Shire of Yarra Ranges and the EPA of some incidents, especially when they have been extremely noxious which unfortunately has been all too regular an occurrence.

I am often embarrassed to have to tell visitors to our home from interstate and intrastate, at times overseas visitors when they asked “what the foul odour was” and explained that we’ve been subjected to this over a few years now and how adversely it has affected our health and leisure times.

My health has been affected adversely in many ways, my sleep has been interrupted as I’ve been woken due to coughing episodes from foul odour entering through our bedroom window, I’ve woken too many times to sore eyes from the air quality among other things and this was never an issue prior to the facility opening. I really enjoy gardening as a hobby and so often when I had a ½ day to spend in this manner it was ruined because of the foul odour making it so unpleasant I was driven indoors or away from Coldstream altogether.

Jimmy Doake Plaque

People gathered for the unveiling and the message on the plaque. Jim will be remembered by many people from Coldstream, as well as those associated with the Coldstream Airport.

Photos by Robert Bethall


Those of you that intend to fax for or against the new ANL proposal must do it by 4.30 pm TODAY..

Please refer to my previous posts on the topic:

VCAT Planning & Environment List phone (03) 9628 9777 FAX (03) 9628 9789

Russell Kennedy Pty Ltd. Level 12, 469 La Trobe Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000. ACN 126 792 470, ABN 14 940 129 185. Phone +61 3 9609 1555 Fax +61 3 9609 1600 .

Moray & Agnew Solicitors Level 8 440 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000
Tel: +61 3 9600 0877 Fax: +61 3 9600 0894

Worker Wanted at Roadrunners

Sam at Roadrunners take away food is looking for staff to serve behind the counter.
Ring Sam on 9739 0099 to get full details.
You need to work 7 30 to 3 00 at least Monday to Friday.
Immediate start for the right person.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cougars now in top 4

After defeating Mitcham yesterday the seniors are now in the top 4.

Saturday, May 16, 2009



At the last shire meeting a number of questions were sent in by members of the public. I am not sure if other shires do this but I think this is a fantastic avenue to get your "problem" answered.

Some of the questions are listed below but you will need to click (here) to get the full document.

The CEO, Glenn Patterson, read out the following question received

  • from Rachell DeLuca relating to Restructure Plan R081 (Ben Cairn Estate) Don Valley:

  • read out several questions received from Cait Hoogenbosch relating to Council’s Climate Change scheme:

  • question received from Helen Karambalis, Secretary Upper Yarra Community Voice

  • Brenda Hickson, President, Warburton Association Ratepayers and Residents.

  • Lana Planic, Secretary, Warburton Association of Ratepayers and Residents.

  • Robert & Christine Dove:

  • and finally from Jack Russell:

    A submission was made by Ms Brenda Hickson, President, Warburton Association for Ratepayers and Residents regarding cost effective management and future use of public land near Warburton CBD. It was suggested that the land would be suitable for use as a location for demountable housing for elderly people.

Alleged rapist in Lilydale, too close for comfort!

On Friday 16 May, 2008 around 5.00am a 16 year old girl woke to find a man in her bedroom.

It is alleged the man raped the girl before leaving through the back door of the unit. It is believed he gained entry through a front window.

The man is described as Caucasian, late 20’s, average to tall height, large build, with short dark hair and an Australian accent.

Police have released images of a man whom they believe may be able to assist them in their enquiries.

You can report information on 1800 333 000 or submit a report confidentially online by following the link below.

(Please quote reference no CA 2723).

To read the full story click on the TITLE above.

Friday, May 15, 2009



Why Walking Matters
Walkable neighborhoods offer surprising benefits to our health, the environment, and our communities.

Better health: A study in Washington State found that the average resident of a pedestrian-friendly neighborhood weighs 7 pounds less than someone who lives in a sprawling neighborhood.1 Residents of walkable neighborhoods drive less and suffer fewer car accidents, a leading cause of death between the ages of 15–45.

Reduction in greenhouse gas: Cars are a leading cause of global warming. Your feet are zero-pollution transportation machines.

More transportation options: Compact neighborhoods tend to have higher population density, which leads to more public transportation options and bicycle infrastructure. Not only is taking the bus cheaper than driving, but riding a bus is ten times safer than driving a car!2

Increased social capital: Walking increases social capital by promoting face-to-face interaction with your neighbors. Studies have shown that for every 10 minutes a person spends in a daily car commute, time spent in community activities falls by 10%.3

Stronger local businesses: Dense, walkable neighborhoods provide local businesses with the foot traffic they need to thrive. It's easier for pedestrians to shop at many stores on one trip, since they don't need to drive between destinations.

Running out of GOSSIP

There must be someone out there than can e mail me some facts, rumours or gossip!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

ANL: The saga continues

ANL Compost Facility, the saga lingers on.
James Lamour-Reid has responded to my e mail requesting what ANL are up to now as a result of the Public Notice in two local papers last week.

Australian Native Landscapes Pty Ltd has lodged with VCAT a Request to Amend Planning Permit YR-2004/64 under Section 87 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
The application seeks to amend the planning permit to achieve the same works outlined in three applications that were made to the EPA in late February and early March 2009. Those applications were to:
(a) further amend the Pollution Abatement Notice previously issued by the EPA
(b) further amend the Works Approval previously issued by the EPA
(c) issue a research, development and demonstration approval pursuant to section 19D of the Environment Protection Act 1970.
The proposed works are described in a Schedule of Changes as follows:
  • 'Construction of an aerated greenwaste storage building with associated biofilter and leachate tank.
  • Reconstruction of the southern access road in a southerly direction and associated drainage works.
  • Excavation along the northern access road to facilitate the movement of the northern road and construction of a concrete retaining wall.
  • Construction of concrete bases to accommodate active and maturation windrows of aerated composting greenwaste and for siteing (sic) of a large biofilter.
  • Construction of a concrete end wall at the southern side of the active and maturation windrows.
  • Associated electrical, water main, fire services and irrigation systems adjustments.'

James Larmour-Reid
Director Planning Building & Health

Housing Policy

Below is the time table as mentioned in the June 08 Draft Housing Policy. I have asked the Shire an update on this timing.

5. Next steps

The following steps outline the major milestones to finalise and implement the Housing Strategy.

1. Revise the draft Housing Strategy in accordance with the recommendations outlined in this report (June - July 2008).

2. Council consideration of the revised draft (August 2008).

3. Council adoption of revised Housing Strategy (September 2008).

4. Public exhibition of proposed planning scheme amendment (October 2008).

The response from Glenn Patterson is as follows:

"it is intended that Council will consider a revised draft Housing Strategy at the Council meeting of 26 May. Submitters to the draft Housing Strategy will be notified once the agenda has been confirmed. ... That puts the process at stage 2/3 at its next meeting."

To read the draft report click on the TITLE above.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009



Vasili and his film crew were in Coldstream today.
More facts are required from people in the know.

Monday, May 11, 2009

SYR Housing Policy

June 2008

The Housing Strategy is a vitally important strategic document for the Shire. It will provide a detailed understanding of the Shire’s future housing needs and identify actions that are required to meet those needs.

The Housing Strategy will provide the basis for revising the current planning scheme to provide a more sustainable approach to providing for future housing needs in the Shire.

I wonder when the final version will be published?

Click on the title to read the draft version.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Does the SYR go to VCAT too often?

Do you think our Shire goes to VCAT too often or not enough?
Have your say on the future of VCAT by linking on the title above.

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) recently celebrated its 10-year anniversary. To mark this milestone, the Attorney-General, the Hon Rob Hulls MP, asked the president of VCAT, Justice Kevin Bell, to carry out an extensive review of VCAT.

The purpose of the president's review is to ensure that VCAT remains accessible to all Victorians and continues to resolve disputes in a low cost and flexible manner.

Your input will be important in helping shape the future direction of Australia's largest civil and administrative tribunal.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

UGB: The Move is ON

Those of you who support my views on expanding the UGB around Coldstream should read the article in the Age today.

Click on the title above to take you to the story.

the original government document can be found here.

The 2008 Urban Development Program Annual Report provides an updated analysis of supply and demand for residential and industrial land across metropolitan Melbourne and the Geelong Region.

The report draws on information and feedback from a wide range of sources, including State and Local Government, the housing and land development industries, infrastructure and service providers, industry associations, and development consultants and strategists.

The Urban Development Program (UDP) has an annual cycle and is now in its sixth year of operation. One of the primary objectives of the UDP is to provide accurate and up-to-date information to assist the Victorian Government, local councils, infrastructure and service providers and the development industry in making informed decisions to help ensure an ongoing provision of land and supporting infrastructure for future residential and industrial requirements


Good luck Cougars

Thursday, May 07, 2009

CFA denies gagging

State Liberal MP Christine Fyffe said yesterday that she had been given a copy of a memo from CFA chief officer Russell Rees that sought to stop CFA volunteers commenting on operational matters.

Ms Fyffe said the CFA member who has passed the memo to her was concerned that it signalled the CFA was covering up problems and that it would not learn from its mistakes.

To read the full story click on the TITLE above.

Locals: Jim Doake

There will be a BYO BBQ to be held
on Sunday 17th May
at Coldstream Airport
starting at 12:00,

followed by an unveiling of a plaque honouring the late Jim Doake at 2:00 PM.

Local residents are invited to attend either or both events.

DNA bid to identify lost Coldstream soldier

Private James Mitchell, of Coldstream, was killed in July 1916, while serving with the Cameron Highlanders at Fromelles in Northern France.

Ms Wilkinson, who still lives in Coldstream, said it was a moving experience when she heard her relative could be in the mass grave.

More than 5,500 Australian and at least 1,500 British troops were massacred as they attacked heavily fortified positions in broad daylight.

To read the full story click on the TITLE above.

The Smell Situation

Australian Native Landscapes has lodged with the Planning & Environment List of the Victorian Civil & Administrative Tribunal an Application to Amend Permit No. YR-200/164 in relation to the land situated at 527-529 Maroondah Highway Coldstream.

The amendment is to allow for the construction of works to mitigate the odour from the composting operations at the premises including the construction of a shed and an in-ground aeration system for the compost windrows.

The application and accompanying documents can be inspected at the offices of Shire of Yarra Ranges.

All persons who may be materially affected by the grant of the permit will be entitled to be heard upon the hearing of the application if before Tuesday 19 May 2009 they in writing notify the Principal Registrar of the Planning & Environment List, 55 King Street, Melbourne, stating how they may be so affected and that they wish to be heard.

Any notice given must state the grounds on which they intend to rely at the hearing. A copy of that statement must also be served on Australian Native Landscapes' solicitors, Moray & Agnew, Level 8, 440 Collins Street, Melbourne and Shire of Yarra Ranges' solicitors, Russell Kennedy, 469 Latrobe Street, Melbourne.

More will be written on this matter as information comes to hand, but I urge you to look at the plans at the Shire. It appears that ANL have gone straight to VCAT and bypassed the Shire with this application.