Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Timber Framed Buildings in Bushfire-Prone Areas

Taken from the article: Click on the title to read the full story:

However, construction can continue with traditional timber framing in keeping with AS1684 Residential timber-framed construction standard as, even in the most extreme fire hazard risk level, AS3959 allows for:

• Raised timber floors to be used, provided they are enclosed by a compliant wall system;
• Exterior walls of any material meeting a minimum fire resistance level (FRL) of 30 minutes, i.e. an FRL of 30/30/30 that requires walls to maintain structural adequacy, integrity and insulation for a minimum of 30 minutes exposure to radiant heat.

Other requirements include: specifications for glass thickness, the use of bushfire shutters as well as other measures, such as suggestions for reduction of construction requirements on elevated sites by shielding walls from fire attack with careful orientation.

This is just a small extract from the article.

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