Saturday, September 05, 2009

Responses re Dual Occs in Coldstream

The main purpose of this blog is to keep the residents informed of what is going on in Coldstream and to get your views on any possible changes. ( News, Views & Gossip!)

I am delighted to see a couple of residents put their view and just in case you missed them below I will paste them here.

I thank you both for joining in and putting in your views.

An email from Jeanette regarding the meeting is also attached.

coldstream community action group said...
With reference to second dwellings being built on the Coldstream estate, the infrastructure, for one, was never designed to cope with the extra strain that would be placed upon it. The sporting clubs, school and kindergarten are doing well with the numbers they have.
How can you comment on Coldstream 3770 when you don't live on the estate or in the local area when your only interest is selling building materials from your business (Coldsteam Timber and Hardware) thus making a profit at the expense of local residents.

September 3, 2009 8:44 PM

JDL said...
2nd dwellings are usually only 2 bedrooms, few are 3 bedrooms. dwellings can be small. This does not usually attract families with kids. So this will not support the kinda, school or clubs. This type of dwelling usually attracts the young singles or people wanting to share. Leave Coldstream as it is - this is our home environment and has been for many years!!!

September 4, 2009 1:29 PM

As the Ryrie Ward Councillor, I provide a regular Coldstream casual drop-in session to meet with residents. As a number of residents wished to discuss planning issues a formal meeting appointment time was organised. This meeting was to discuss in a general context a number of concerns and as the concerns related to planning, senior planning officers were requested to attend to explain generally how the planning process works. The attendees were also advised that no specific planning application would be discussed, as each application is considered on its merits and needs to go through a due process.

Cr Jeanette McRae

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My family and I have owned a home and lived on the Coldstream Estate for many years. We thoroughly enjoy the peace and quiet that comes with the area, not to mention our big backyard, where we have seen our kids grow and play. This estate was never designed to be a large metropolis type town with hussle and bussle - just a small community area that was called a rural township. And this is just the way we would like it to remain, with our rustic 70's style homes, big backyards and open space. We don't need dual occupancy home sites on this estate, and we certainly don't want to become another 'on top of each other' housing estate. We, as concerned residents, ask people to sit and think about this for a moment. We chose to live in this area and don't want to see it changed. So to the developers and other people, who don't even live in the estate, that are considering to do this to our area, please think of the impact this is going to have on our lives and that of our families. Do not do this just to line your own pockets with dual occupany rental properties. If this is what you need to do, please do it in a more appropriate area, not Coldstream. Dual occupancy properties do not suit the character of Coldstream.
Guy & Michelle