Thursday, August 26, 2010

Guide to first home saver accounts


First home saver accounts offer a tax-effective way of saving for your first home through a combination of government contributions and low taxes.
They’re a special purpose account that is more like a term deposit than a normal, everyday account because you have to keep the money there for a minimum period of time. Once that time has passed and you make the decision to buy or build your first home, you have to withdraw all the money at once and close the account. You need to use the money you save as a deposit or to meet other costs you incur in buying or building your first home.

To read the full story click on the TITLE above.

There are several good reasons to open a first home saver account. The more money you save, the more the government will contribute – up to a certain limit each year, and there’s also a tax incentive to save money for your home because earnings are taxed at 15%.

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