Thursday, January 06, 2011

flora fauna strategy

Attached is a letter from Cait.  She has asked me to add it here for general discussion.  I do so without comment as I have been too busy to look at this topic.  Please read and if you feel motivated, take some action.

Hi Mario!

Happy New year!

I know I've been off the radar and would have been very happy to keep it that way because I'm quite busy, but the relaease of the draft Flora and Fauna Strategy has brought me out.

I'm now very busy writing my submission and talking with others about this horrendous document - even commented on Jim Child's blog a few times - and tried to come up with an idea to get people involved.

I created a flyer that I'll try to pass onto shopkeepers here in Healesville and hopefully they'll hang it in the window of their establishments. I've sent it to Jim who said he'll pass it on so I'm wondering if you could do the same on your end.

It's pretty 'revolutional', but when a council believes that the 'natural' environment is more important than human life, it's time to revolt.

If you find it acceptable, can you please pass it on? Even if one shop has it up, it's better than no one being aware.

               English philosopher John Locke believed:

           - In the basic goodness of mankind.

           - That whenever the lawmakers endeavour to take away the property rights of the People through regulation and penalties, they put themselves into “a state of War with the People, who are thereupon absolved from any farther Obedience…”
English philosopher Thomas Hobbes believed:

          - Humans are basically flawed and incapable of doing good.

Humans need to be controlled and need to submit to a governing body that will have complete domination over the people and area they rule.

*  *  *  *  *  *

          Which philosopher do you agree with?

          The ‘Green’ Council agrees with Hobbes and is intent upon removing your private property rights via the Yarra Ranges Council Flora and Fauna Strategy.

            The ‘Green’ Council admits it is incapable of managing the 2% of shire land they are responsible for. Yet this same Council believes it has the power to effectively seize your land through regulation then dictate how you must manage it.

            Through the Flora and Fauna Strategy theGreen’ Council intends to:
          - Prevent the CFA from constructing new roads, tracks and firebreaks.
          - Convince you through intense re-education programs to remove all exotic species   from your property – no more roses or vegetable gardens for you!
          - Indoctrinate everyone into their ‘green religion’ and ostracize those who refuse.
          - Limit, if not eradicate, all agricultural businesses through regulation - especially grazers and dairy farmers.
            Should this Strategy pass, your property values will plummet and your rates will necessarily skyrocket. For those who own land, you will find it near impossible to sell due to new restrictions and regulations outlined in the Strategy.

            Take a stand against tyranny. Get a copy of the Flora and Fauna Strategy, read what you can stomach, then write a submission and say NO!

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever. George Orwell

Comment:  Added for general discussion only.

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