Sunday, March 29, 2009

Shire: Climate change budget answers

At the last SYR meeting I sent in a list of 9 questions to clarify the spending of $790,000 on climate change.

I am still trying to find out the EXPECTED cost of each item in value dollar terms and hope that our local trades will perform the work.

The questions and answers are listed below.

The following questions were received from Mario Galteri relating to Carbon Management:
1 The figure of $790K per annum is mentioned as being the cost. Who gets this money and how will it be spent? The report only talks in general terms.
2 60 000 plants are to be planted. Ok, where and how much will this cost?
3 Genesis Now talk about 17 high priority, cost effective opportunities. I cannot see this list in the documentation. What are these points?
4 Does the Shire plan on paying extra for green electricity? If so, to whom and how much?
5 Table 1 in the attachment has forecast emissions for the Shire. What is the reasoning behind the 2% increase in energy use per year over the next 10 years?
6 In light of the probable high cost of Black Saturday to the Shire should spending on this project be delayed or reduced for a year or two?
7 In light if the global economic conditions should the Shire cut back its spending on this and other projects?
8 The review date of 2013-14 appears to be too far away considering the changes in scientific knowledge coming out that contradicts present knowledge. For example, how effective is planting tree an effective way of capturing CO2. Should reviews be more often?
9 How much will be spent on REC’s?

The Director Environment & Engineering, Simon Thomas responded as follows:
1 & 2. The budget spent by Council is approximately $320,000 on the planting program
(60,000 plants) and the balance of $470,000 on funding energy reduction
measures to meet Council’s target of reducing carbon emissions by 30% on 2000
levels by 2010.
3. Sixteen of the initiatives relate to facility upgrades (such as internal lighting, pool covers, more efficient pump and heating systems, etc.) and behaviour change approaches across the organisation. The projects will occur across the Shire’s highest greenhouse gas generating facilities, namely, the Anderson Street Corporate Centre, Southern Annex (Treehouse), Burrinja and the Kilsyth, Yarra Junction and Monbulk Aquatic Centres. The seventeenth initiative is the implementation of sustainable street lighting.
4. No.
5. The model is based on a historic trend as a result of ongoing increased service and facility provision for the community. The Shire is expected to continue to trend
towards an increase of energy use when not investing in further opportunities to reduce consumption.
6. The budget has been set aside by Council to fund a program to reduce the organisation’s energy costs in the medium term.
7. The introduction of the Federal National Pollution Reduction Scheme will increase energy costs in the medium term. The Shire’s Carbon Management Program will provide investment in community services and building infrastructure across the Shire which will decrease the operating costs in the long term and provide additional employment in the short term.
8. The Council resolution is for an annual status report on the implementation of the program. The Shire will continue to evaluate new technologies and scientific knowledge and incorporate where possible. The above review coincides with the planned review of the Resource Management Strategy.
9. Nil.

Click on the title to go to the Council Minutes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mario,

Interesting - I'll be reading this several times but have to make this comment first...

AGW (anthropogenic global warming) left the scientific community behind and it is now not only a political cause but a cult religion.

I very much doubt the council will look into new scientific data as they will only accept what the IPCC dictates. The IPCC was created for the sole purpose of accusing human-kind for the increase of temperature that happened in the last decades of the 20th century.

On the other hand, there is The Kyoto Protocol which was enacted to ruin the economies of A1 (Annex 1 nations of which there are 31)nations and redistribute wealth to all non-A1 nations. Supposedly, the Kyoto Protocol was to stop the highest emitters of CO2 from emitting CO2 but China, the greatestest emitter of CO2, is exempt from the proptocol. That's like passing a law that everyone without a dog has to keep their dog from barking, but the person with the dog can let it bark all night. It's absolute madness but the council and most people in this shire are clueless about what is actually going on.

I'm in the proces of gathered the most pertinent and current scientific studies that disprove AGW and plan on submitting them to Glen and the council. I won't bother giving one to Cr Dunn because I fear she is so indoctrinated by the Green Party policies that she would be unable to comprehend these scientific studies.

Have you ever read the blog 'Watts Up With That'?
I think you may enjoy it.