Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Justin Madden - 2010 Statement of Government Intentions

Click here to hear Justin Madden  talk on Victoria's growth.

Managing Growth, Protecting Liveability

Victoria has had a strong decade of economic and population growth that has seen the State also grow in both confidence and pride.

People from across Australia and around the world have been attracted to a strong economy and a great place to live. They have brought with them new skills, created new jobs and enriched our vibrant way of life.

But this growth has also brought significant new challenges. A larger population has stretched our infrastructure, services and resources. We need new ways to accommodate and manage this growth, while still moving forward and delivering our commitment to fairness and sustainability. Making Victoria the best place to live, work, invest and raise a family remains the driving force of the Government’s policies and actions.

Managing Victoria’s population growth through planning that links the way we use land with our transport networks and infrastructure development will ensure that our communities are liveable and connected in the long term.

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