Saturday, October 16, 2010

Anonymous said..

Heaven help me for progress....I am so tired of the negativity surrounding all proposed potential development of Coldstream...expanding the Urban Growth Boundary and even the Dual Occupancy Development applications......Where are you people coming from?????..

Comments like..."what has Mario got to gain"...more business because of increase.....So cynical...why can't he just be working for the good of the this case its Coldstream...So what...that he doesn't live in Coldstream...he works there, so in affect he spends more time in Coldstream than you guys who live there. Why do you all think there always has to be an ulterior motive????....Clearly a case of "TALL POPPY SYNDROME" we Aussies are so often accused of...Why does it always come down to people thinking that there always has to be a benefit for someone to do some good? It's the Mario's of this world that make things happen!!!!
Get real people....Your Township has been stagnant for more than 10years...decreased values, problems with services, no growth....FOR GOD SAKE!!!!..What Mario is doing is trying to improve YOUR TOWN and so are the Developers who are trying to increase populations.....It's a postive steps to ensure the ongoing survial of Coldstream...clearly something is better than nothing...which is what you people have been accepting for way too long now......Get real people...stop living in the cacoons of the past.....Stop bagging someone who is working for YOUR CAUSE....Do you realise that more development (Dual Occupancy & expanding the Urban Growth Boundary) will increase the value of YOUR will increase the value of YOUR LAND if you have a site that is able to be subdivided (not in the single dwelling covenant area)...this will be worth more in the future...For those of you who don't want to do it (you want to save your land for family cricket in the back yard)....Guess what...YOU DON'T HAVE TOO, but don't deny those who DO......Afterall.....we All complain about how the Council, who won't let us do this and won't let us do are being just as dictitorial as they are.
So let me leave you with this thought......Do you really want to see Coldstream die????....Do you really want to see COLDSTREAM as a second rate Township???? OR, Do you want to see COLDSTREAM as a THRIVING COMMMUNITY/TOWNSHIP like Helaesville. Yarra Glen etc.???? The choice is your's...but let me remind you.....By opposing this expansion of the Urban Growth Boundary and even the Dual will only keep the value of YOUR LAND down, when other Towmships are thriving because of development. In the long term...this means a benefit to you as land holders, a benefit to the communicty of more shops, upgrading services and securing the schools, faciltieis you have at this stage,only been able to just sustain....So I give my support to Mario for his efforts to assist a dying community...Goodd luck Mario in your endeavours and hope that the community of Coldstream wake up to themselves and realsie the benefits of supporting your cause amd Mario I would just like to add....if all won't be on your will result in the ignorance of those who oppose you.

Comment:  Thanks, I and our group needed that.  Please keeping filling out the sheets................


Unknown said...

If the new Shire Housing Policy (C97) gets through then there will be NO MORE dual occs in the present Coldstream.

Go to the Shire site to read about C97, but it says that Coldstream housing must be on a minimum of 1000m2 block. That will mean the death of dual occs in the present Coldstream.

What will be the consequences if this gets through? Think about it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mario, if the proposed Housing Policy gets through, it will have far bigger implications to everyone in Coldstream. As I believe it, not only will blocks have to be a minimum or 1000m2, but you will only be allowed to build on 30% of the block. This will have implications on all the existing blocks in Coldstream, as if you want to build a shed/garage in your backyard and it will push you over the 30% land coverage, you won't be allowed to!
We must stop this happening and everyone possible should lodge a submission against the proposal.

Unknown said...

Yes, there is that too. There is also a ruling on the size of a tree that can be chopped down without a permit.

If a tree measures more than 80 cm in CIRCUMFERENCE at 1 metre above the ground you may also need a permit!

I would like to know how the 30% was arrived at and how many existing blocks are not complying with this new scheme.

Thanks for your comment and I hope you and a few others bring this to the attention of the Shire before it is too late.