Friday, May 06, 2011

NO MORE FSL!!!!!!!!!!

Property tax likely to replace fire levy 

VICTORIAN Treasurer Kim Wells has reaffirmed the Baillieu Government's commitment to abolish the fire services levy, signalling it will be replaced with a property tax. 

"We promised to abolish the fire service levy and move to what we argue is a fairer more equitable system," he told the hearing.
"Whether we end up going to a property-based method or some other method, but I suspect it will be property based, it will be revenue neutral."
The Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission recommended a new fire services tax be paid by all Victorian home owners to fund the state's firefighting effort.
Currently, the fire service levy is charged on insurance holders' premiums, funding the Country Fire Authority (CFA) and Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB) to the tune of almost $600 million a year.

COMMENT:  Great news  --- a fairer system is just around the corner!

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