Friday, May 03, 2013

$19.1 million in housing support for families

"victorian families struggling to find affordable, safe accommodation will benefit from more than $19.1 million in Victorian Coalition Government funding over the next four years.

Minister for Housing Wendy Lovell said the money, in the 2013-14 State Budget, would fund the continuation of the Accommodation Options for Families program."

'via Blog this'

1 comment:

Gillysrooms said...

I doubt that amount allocated will do much to help those genuinely needing assistance given that so many others who do not need assistance get priority over the genuine. The streetwise and the petty criminals get the most assistance from the welfare agencies whose staff are too afraid to say no to repeat offenders.

Many of these offenders would be better off given a tent and told to go live in the bush where they wont need to pay rent or pay a share of utilities and where they might learn to respect other peoples rights to safe accommodation. These repeat offenders are aided and abetted by some welfare agencies like the Salvation Army who refuse to tell accommodation house operators that these people are dangerous to others. I say let them spend time in the cold wet weather and let them learn to be responsible for their own actions instead of giving them $1000's in assistance every time they get evicted for bad and dangerous behavior. The government have empty prisons where some of these people would be better offered lodgings instead of put out into the community to annoy others at every turn. They are sick, ill or mentally unstable and should not be attempted to be assimilated into the community imo.

I also blame the Psychiatric wards at Dandenong & Maroondah Hospitals who continue to release patients which need to have supervised care accommodation and not put out to live with the general community. The social workers seem to forget their Duty of Care to both the community and the patients they release prior to recovering adequately from their ills and some never will, but don't expect the Rooming House operators and the police who need to be called to deal with these very ill people to take on the associated risks. I have raised these issues before o various government inquiries but seem to fall on deaf ears...hopefully someone who cares and has some powers will read this and take the correct measures.