Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fire Danger Index (FDI)

Every day during the fire season the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) calculates the fire danger index (FDI) for the day by considering elements of the predicted weather including temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and dryness of vegetation.
The FDI is only one of several factors used to determine the daily Fire Danger Rating. CFA in consultation with the BoM, consider a range of factors relating to a particular area and day, before a Fire Danger Rating is decided upon.
These factors include:
• The length of time the fire danger index has been elevated.
• Extent of fire already in the landscape.
• Fuel and dryness.
• Likelihood of weather events such as lightning and grass fuel conditions.
My weather station calculates an FDI which can be used as an aid to gauging the severity of a fire should one break out in the area.

The actual numbers generated are as follows:
0-11 Low - Moderate
12-24 High
25-49 V High
50-74 Severe
75-99 Extreme
>100 Catastrophic

Anything over 25 is a trigger for fire suppression difficulties.
The full action required is shown in the link here at:

Those who are interested in more information on protecting themselves this summer should visit the CFA website at:


Robert Bethell.

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