Friday, December 09, 2011

PMS (Problem, Means, Solution)

Recently there has been a lot of negativity towards the Shire and its DRAFT .  I find this negativity very confusing. 

We get angry at the Shire when they do nothing as well as when they try to  do something.  They appear to be in a no win situation.  We can't have it both ways.

Most of the laws that have been drafted make sense.  They were not picked out of then air.  They are real problems in our community and I am sure that if you put yourself in "neighbour" position you would feel the same.

The Shire has come up with a possible solution to a number of problems.

Rather than providing a solution, the problem should have been put out there in the form of a question.

Eg.  What do you expect the Shire to do when you live on a residential block and your neighbour has a rooster the crows at the crack of dawn every day?

What do you expect the Shire to do if you neighbour does not cut his grass?

 Let's not knock the Shire BUT help refine the local laws for the good of all.
I encourage you to make submissions to regarding the Draft Local Laws.


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