Wednesday, September 05, 2012

From the leader

Be great to see Coldstream Rail Station opened again!


Gillysrooms said...

Yes, i would totally agree with your comments Mario and the train through Coldstream to Yarra Glen at least even if it were just a steam train for both tourists and workers to use to get to and from Lilydale Station every day would be a great tourism opportunity to bring lots more people for our struggling area shops and tourist operators.

I would even open up a private property walking trail to visiting tourists so they could marvel and capture the never before seen magestic views of the Yarra Valley.

I urge supporters to contact both the Dept of Transport and the Tourism Ministers to remind them we are still here and eager and bursting to get more tourism projects off the ground.

MarioGalt said...

I was hoping the line from Lilydale to Coldsteam to be reopened to stop the traffic congestion I hear about in Lilydale.

Gillysrooms said...

I believe the Coldstream Station or surrounding area site has been leased out [term not known]indicating a devised plan to delay the re-opening of the Station?. The extention to Coldstream would certainly be a cheaper option not requiring a bridge cost over the Yarra River at Yarra Glen.